
February 2022

Our story on the Act 2 Podcast


Have you ever heard our story?  I was honored to speak on the Choosing Him Act 2 Podcast that was released today.

Our story on the Act 2 Podcast2022-02-09T13:02:36-05:00

November 2021

A Tribute to our Marriage


Once upon a time in a land far away, 7 1/2 hours to be exact, there was a damsel in distress. One

A Tribute to our Marriage2021-11-02T20:31:45-04:00

November 2018

Make no mistake


We just celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary!  It was a glorious time of connecting and reminiscing over the good times and the

Make no mistake2021-01-21T12:32:52-05:00

February 2013

A Word About Marriage


We have a heart and a passion for helping marriages.   We both are amazed at how far we have come and how

A Word About Marriage2021-01-21T12:41:47-05:00
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