This hymn dates back many years and is song by scores of people through out the world.  The story behind the song, “It is well with my soul,” is a heart touching testimony to the peace that Jesus gave a man who lost his entire family.  Even though I used the words from this song as my title; I’m not writing about the song.  I’m writing about our souls experiencing peace.

How is your soul these days?  By soul, I am speaking of your personality, your mind, your will and your emotions.  Are you regularly experiencing peace in these areas or is there stress, anxiety and turmoil regularly knocking on your door?

Worry and fear are common struggles for many people.  Especially in the day and time we are living.  Crime, war, violence, deception and uncertainty seems to be on every corner.  It’s getting hard to even watch the nightly news without losing our peace.  However, we have to remind ourselves that we serve a living God who is in control.  Nothing surprises him.  God’s word is clear that sin brings heart ache and destruction.  We live in this world but we are not of this world.  As the old song says, “This world is not my home, I’m just a passin through.”  We have to keep  our eyes on Jesus and remember we are loved and He has promised us a future and a hope.

Jesus tells us, “In this world you will have trouble but take heart, I have overcome the world.”  So when my soul is feeling a little shakey, I have to spend some time with Jesus.  He knows how I feel and He knows how to settle my emotions.  He is honest and true and can be trusted.  He knows the beginning from the end and the future is in His hands.   We are IN Him and He is in us!  We are one!  Rest in his embrace and remember whose you are.  Look in His word and watch it attend to  your soul!

