I found a new hobby that I just love.  Yes, I am one of those people that thoroughly enjoy the adult coloring books.  And I find it quite interesting how God speaks to me through coloring.  I have been pleasantly surprised at how much creativity has come forth as I choose colors and create a beautiful picture.  I have often said over my lifetime, “I don’t have an artistic bone in my body.”  I knew I was creative when it came to writing but art has never been an interest.  However, I have noticed in the past year that colors have come alive to me!   Wouldn’t it be funny if I  became an artist one day?  Tim has even asked, “Does the book tell you what colors to use?  I’m really surprised at how much you like coloring.”   I replied, “No, I pick out all of the colors myself.”   I think he’s impressed.  (I just had to share one of my masterpieces with you.  I just noticed I did not color one of the leaves on a flower.  Can you find it?)

So what does coloring have to do with God opening my eyes to new thoughts?  Well, I’m glad you asked.  One of the things that has caught my attention recently is the fact that some of my books have very small intricate detail.  Like the picture I chose to post below.  I may choose to color every triangle a certain color.  I will double check and even triple check the picture before I move on to another shape and color.  Low and behold, a few hours later, I will see another triangle that I somehow missed!  How many times have we felt certain that we knew exactly how we felt about a certain topic to later see something we never saw before? Our perspective can change.  I never want to be identified as closed minded.  My prayer is that God will keep me humble and open to always consider another person’s view.  And my most important prayer is to ask God to give me HIS perspective on whatever I am contemplating.  He sees it all when we may see only one particular angle.  

It is crucial that we stay gracefully open to another person’s view; even if we think they are seeing the situation all wrong.  As I stated in my last blog, this is so important as we approach our November elections.  God’s word tell us that HIS children will be known by their love for one another.  When did we become so intolerant of another person’s perspective?  I’m not saying that there is not absolute truth when it comes to certain matters in God’s word.  But there is definitely a lot of gray areas in His word regarding life.  Jesus did not shut people down with His authority or His perspective.  Of all people He could actually pull out the “know it all” card because He does know it all.  LOL  People will not see our view just because we are speaking louder or meaner.

I love the fact that when He saved us He gave us His spirit which means we have access to His mind and wisdom.  He gave us His entire life!  So He ALSO gave us His patience and mercy.  Are we allowing Him to live through us fully?   Sometimes He chooses to allow me to see things from a certain perspective to then turn around and show me a much deeper and different perspective at a later date.  God often has a strategic timing in revealing new ways to look at something.  Let’s allow HIM to help us walk in this world with His humble attitude and graceful spirit as we interact with others.  He knows when to stand firm and speak up and when to let something go.  However, He always speaks up in love.   It’s our love that draws people to Jesus, not our politically correct wisdom.  Religious flesh (coping mechanisms) can be some of the hardest flesh to recognize.  God always wants to break flesh patterns and conform us into the image of Christ.  Sometimes “being right” is not all that it is cracked up to be.  Let’s ask God to give us eyes to see what He wants us to see and strive to draw people to Him with patience and kindness.  So in our picture of life from our current coloring book, there just may be a heart that has been hiding.  Let’s find it and color that symbol so that our picture will be complete and our life will show beauty to our circle of friends.  And don’t forget, our picture will be a life long journey.  We grow and learn and evolve in our thoughts and attitudes and perspectives throughout our entire life.  When we live each day expectant that the God of the Universe is growing us up, we can then live in unity with others while staying true to our own selves.  By all means, stay true to your convictions but understand you may not be seeing the entire picture at the moment.

