God and Fun
Royal2024-05-07T19:25:58-04:00Thanks Lord, for the opportunity to go speak at the convention this past weekend in Dallas. It’s been a while since I
Thanks Lord, for the opportunity to go speak at the convention this past weekend in Dallas. It’s been a while since I
Symbols are all over the Bible. Many times, people would make something or purchase something to remind them of the incredible experience
Many times, emotional healing will come to your heart layer by layer. The expert healer A/K/A/ Father, Son and Holy Spirit knows
As I scroll across Christian debates on social media, my curiosity gets the best of me. As I start reading all
Did you know to remain present in a conversation or event it takes intention? Throughout my life I've been aware that I
Does it come natural to you to give thanks? Or does it take some real intention? We just celebrated Thanksgiving 2023. Many
Did you grow up in a family that taught you the importance of loyalty, and that you are responsible for others? In
Relaxing can be easier said than done. Especially in the high-strung world we live in today. Our culture is full of
This writing is coming straight from my heart. It may be one of the most vulnerable blogs I have ever written. Many
“Young lady, who do you think you are?” Those words became imprinted on my brain with a permanent marker. I rarely felt