
December 2017

What is truth?


There is one question that I encourage my counselee’s to ask God when they are in a state of confusion. “Father what

What is truth?2021-01-21T12:33:25-05:00

September 2015

Our mind is a gift!


Proverbs 23:7 says, “For as he thinks within himself, so he is.  If you have followed my blogs for very long; you

Our mind is a gift!2021-01-21T12:35:44-05:00

January 2014

Do you want to decrease your pain?


Tim and I see so many people through out the year in horrible pain.  We, also, experience pain in our own lives

Do you want to decrease your pain?2021-01-21T12:39:51-05:00

September 2012

Emotions, Politics and God


The subject of politics is not one of my favorite topics.  I steer clear of conversations regarding the subject.  I’m skeptical and

Emotions, Politics and God2021-01-21T12:43:05-05:00
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