What a wonderful Easter!  Celebrating the resurrection of our Lord and Savior never get’s old.  I am so glad that He loved us all enough to make a way for us to be united to Him and to live with Him for all eternity.  I can only imagine how the disciples and followers of Jesus felt on Good Friday and on Saturday.  Everything looked hopeless and dim.  Their dreams and hopes were dashed.  But then came Sunday…thankfully!

Discouragement seems to be lingering around each corner as we walk this journey called life.  Are we ready for the difficulties of life on Monday or Tuesday?  No, I’m not trying to be negative, just real.  Can we vow to keep the certainty that we felt today in our hearts when hard times come?  Colossians 1:26-27 tells us that there was a glorious mystery hidden for ages and generations but is now disclosed to the Lord’s people.  What is this mystery?  The glorious riches of this mystery is Christ IN us, the hope of glory.   Don’t forget that Jesus told us, “In this world we will have trouble.”  But what is the second part of that verse?  But take heart! I have overcome the world!” (John 16:33)  And where is Jesus?  INSIDE OF YOU!  Keep your eyes on Him and watch Him live through you to face whatever comes your way in the days to come.

Of course we will have plenty of sunny days ahead too.  God loves us and blesses us!  Praise and gratitude is our proper response.  When people around us see our hope they will take note.  I love I Peter 3:15 -” Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.  But do this with gentleness and respect.”  Taking into account the day we live in; gentleness and respect is the only way this world is going to listen.   Our lives sometimes speak louder than our words.  Let the reality of Christ shine forth through your every day living and you will be surprised how you will be used.  This world is looking for real answers!

