Do you ever feel like life is a battle? It seems that things are coming at us from every angle. We are caught off guard and sometimes feel blindsided. But scripture tells us to not be surprised. Listen to I Peter 5:12, “Dear friends, don’t be surprised at the fiery trials you are going through as if something strange were happening to you. Instead be very glad – for these trials make you partners with Christ in his suffering, so that you will have the wonderful joy of seeing his glory when it is revealed to all the world.” Verse 19 says, “So if you are suffering in a manner that pleases God, keep doing what is right, and trust your lives to the God who created you, for He will never fail you.” You see, God is never blindsided. He knows about our battles and He uses our difficult times to grow us up, strengthen us and prepare us. Peter amuses me sometimes. He writes, “Be glad when these things happen!” I don’t know about you but it’s very hard for me to be glad. Some things take a supernatural intervention.
As a counselor I often tell my hurting clients, “Wow, God must have something really great ahead for you!” They will ask me why I think so. And I always tell them, “The enemy would not be working so hard against you unless you were a threat to his kingdom.” And I honestly believe it! Perspective is everything! So stand firm in your identity as you fight these battles! And by the way, you are not alone. The God of the universe lives in you and fights through you. That should bring you great comfort.
What is this battle all about? I believe there is a battle for your heart. If the enemy can keep us discouraged we will not walk confidently in our new identity. A colleague once told me when he and his wife would start getting into an argument he would stop and say, “We need to pray. I think we have some unwanted traffic in the room.” Do you ever see arguments escalate to the crazy floor? The more you argue the more confused you get! Sometimes that is not mere human pride. Sometimes there is a real enemy in the room and it’s not your spouse. And he is waging war against your heart through relational conflict and discouragement.
I also believe there is a battle for your influence. The number one thing the enemy does not want us to do is influences others for the Kingdom Of God. Listen to 2 Corinthians 10:3-5a,”We are human, but we don’t wage war as humans do. We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments. We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God.” Did you know that God’s word says God trains our hands for war and our fingers for battle? He did not leave us defenseless! We have His wisdom, strength, power, authority and HIS word! What frustrations are coming into your life that discourages you and keeps you from influencing others? Do you stop and think about the fact that you may be in a battle? Do you believe the lie that this is just how life can be? Or do you understand there is a strategic plan against you and your ministry? (Yes, you have a ministry.) If you were the enemy what would be your strategy against the opposing people? I believe convincing you that he is not there would be at the top of his list. The enemy is real and he hates you. If we don’t know who we are fighting, the battle will be a time consuming, exhausting mess with no headway. 2 Corinthians 2:11 tells us that we are not to be ignorant of his devices. Wow, the Bible says a LOT about Satan. Take a look.
However, Scripture is also very clear that he is a defeated foe! We know the end of the story! He will get what is coming to him. His time is short on planet earth so take heart. Your Heavenly Father is at work in you and through you even when you can’t see him or feel him. Remember, you are a child of the King of Kings and His authority out rules everyone else’s! And His authority is now your authority! HE has given you everything you need for life and godliness. (Ephesians 1). This includes the ability to fight these battles. Stand tall knowing we are on the winning team.
Yes we are in a battle but the war has been won!
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