When you hear the word doubt what comes to your mind? If you have been around the Bible for any length of time you may think about doubting Thomas. Remember the story? After Jesus was resurrected Thomas could not believe it. Unless I see him and touch his scars I will not believe. You can read this story in John 20:24-29.
Where do you struggle with doubt? For us it seems to always fall into the same category. We doubt God’s financial provision. God called us to birth Royal Life Ministries in 2006 as a non profit ministry. The ministry where we were trained operated in this way and we loved the concept of having a team of supporters who prayed for us and partnered with us financially so we could offer our help to others at an affordable price. God used discipleship counseling in our own lives and led us to be trained to guide hurting people to find comfort in Jesus. Not only find comfort in Jesus but to find truths that would change their lives forever. Truths about their identity in Him and how to walk in that identity. We do this through one on one counseling, small groups and conferences. And yes we often have to practice what we preach and we have by no means reached a place of no struggle. This is why the Bible tells us to renew our minds with truth. Lies creep in and flesh can rare it’s ugly head. The enemy shouts the same thing to us that he shouted to Adam and Eve. Can you really trust God?
I was encouraged this morning as I listened to a sermon by Rick Warren. He shared these verses. Isaiah 44:2 – The Lord who made you and helps you says, “Do not be afraid, O Jacob, my servant, O dear Israel, my chosen one.” Romans 11:29 – For God’s gifts and his calling are irrevocable. Romans 14:7 – For none of us lives for ourselves alone, and none of us dies for ourselves alone. (We need one another.). Hebrews 3:1- Therefore, holy brothers and sisters, who share in the heavenly calling, fix your thoughts on Jesus…
I’m sharing this struggle so you will know how to pray for us. I am also sharing this struggle so that you will prayerfully consider partnering with us in ministry. Royal Life Ministries currently has 19 supporters. We are currently needing to raise another $2000 a month to cover expenses and salary. Here is where I (Rebekah) struggle and the questions that I have to combat. “Am I worthy enough to receive funds from others?” “Did I do enough to make sure our partners know how much we appreciate them?” “Was I faithful to obey God and ask a person to consider joining our support team or did I chicken out?” “Did I prove that we are truly helping people?” “Did I send out enough newsletters?” Guys, this mindset is bondage. Jesus came to set me free. Jesus tells me and you, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Matthew 11:28-30.
So today I believe God is saying stop doubting, repent of your pride and share from your heart. We must raise more support in order to continue Royal Life Ministries. We have been trying to live off of less than $32,000 a year for 13 years from RLM. We have some retirement and we both have small part time work. If people do not know our need, God cannot touch their hearts and call them to join our team. We understand that God will not call everyone to our team. We only ask that you prayerfully consider what you could give monthly to help us continue helping others through our 28 years of experience walking alongside hurting people and leading them to a relationship with Christ.
One of the biggest misconceptions about being on a support team is that we are looking for big donors. If we had twenty people commit to $100 a month or 40 people commit to $50 a month our needs would be met. Any amount is appreciated and your support is tax deductible. But we honestly need your prayers too. We are on the front lines of this ministry. We grow weary and we go through our own struggles and our marriage is attacked as we help other marriages. So please pray! And lastly if you are already on our support team we thank you from the bottom of our hearts and we pray that God blesses you ten fold for what you share with us.
Support can be received through cash, Venmo, checks (4046 Hwy. 154, Unit 112, Newnan, GA. 30265) or through our web site under the “support” tab. Or click below on donations and conference fees.
Please read my next blog entitled, “Trust: The Antidote to Doubt.

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