Our lives look nothing like it’s ever looked before. We are leaving our home and moving to another state. Lots of people have done this before but the unknown can be scary. When have you experienced a time when the future was unknown to you? I can tell you about so many times in my life when the picture I created in my mind was significantly worse than what actually happened. Fear is a liar. And fear is a tool of our enemy. We can say no to fear and rest in our God who KNOWS everything, and walks with us each step of the way.
The unknown can also be exciting. Your imagination can go to the best case scenarios. I can see many days ahead of walking on the beach, eating seafood with new friends and writing book after book. I love the fact that God created us with an imagination. We get to choose where we set our minds. We can be anxious or we can be grateful. We can be fearful or we can be trusting. Our emotions will follow suit when we set our minds on peaceful thoughts. We can be content.
Paul said in Philippians 4:11(ESV) – “…I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. v. 13 – I can do all things through Him who strengthens me” The author of Hebrews writes, “Keep your life free from love of money and be content with what you have for he has said, ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Contentment is found in understanding your oneness and unity with God. And the fact that you are never alone. When you are excited, so is He. When you hurt, so does He.
Christianity is not joining a club or attaining a new title. It’s joining yourself to God through the death of His son. Jesus said in Matthew 11:28, “Come unto me all that are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest.” Knowing whose I am and who I am makes all the difference in the world when it comes to the unknown. I’m not out here taking a stab at life and hoping it all turns out good. I’m a Jesus Follower. I believe God’s word that I have been made one with Him. He indwells me. He has a future and a hope for me. He wants to give me the desires of my heart because He joins His desires and my desires together and delights in an intimate relationship with me. And when life throws us a curve ball or tragedy hits because we live in a fallen world, He is there to walk with me through the pain. If the world could understand that a personal relationship with Jesus is real and fulfilling, no one would reject Jesus. You have heard this old cliche many times but it’s true. Jesus would rather die than live without you. He shed His blood so that He could reconcile you to Himself. Whether you believe it or not, the human race was severed from a relationship with God in the garden of Eden. This did not surprise God. He and His son already had a plan to bring us back to them. However, they want us to choose them. They want us to want to be in relationship with them. They don’t want to force anyone to be in relationship with them.
If you haven’t experienced a situation yet where the future was unknown to you, you will. I don’t know how people handle enormous pain without the God of the Universe living inside of them. But He is more than just an comforter. He’s a best friend. He’s a wise counselor guiding you along the way. He loves you more than you can imagine. He meets needs in you that nothing or no one can meet. We were born in the image of God, meant for relationship with our creator. If you don’t know Him, tell Him you want to know Him. The scriptures tell us that He is always pursuing us. And if you know Him and bought into the lie that He doesn’t care, ask Him to help you see the truth. Our enemy is the father of lies and wants you to have nothing to do with God. He also hates you and doesn’t want you to experience God’s love and comfort.
We are traveling to NC and TN before heading toward our destination in FL. It’s already been exciting, fun and a little scary. But understanding our oneness with our Heavenly Father gives us peace, and anticipation. We can’t wait to share with you what all we discover on this journey. If you have any questions about a relationship with God, reach out to us. We would love to talk with you.
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