We are entering the season of gift giving. Since my “Love Language” is gifts, I love this season! When gifts are your language, it doesn’t mean that I only love receiving gifts. I especially love giving gifts. And I love not falling into the trap of keeping score. It’s hard to sometimes receive and just say thank you. How many times does someone pay for your lunch and you say, “I’ll get it next time.”

This week is Thanksgiving! We all have so much to be thankful for. Yes, life is hard and sometimes has painful heartaches, but there is always something to be thankful for. I am learning how much our perspective changes everything. Negativity breeds more negativity. Let’s choose to find things to be thankful for every single day.

I’ve learned so much over the past four years. Moving to a different state, a condo instead of a house with land, a different culture in many ways, has opened my eyes to a whole new world. I remember when I took my first missions trip out of the country. Again, my eyes were opened to a whole new world. You don’t know what you don’t know.

Growing up a sheltered, small town Georgia girl has many perks, but it’s also limiting in some ways. We all have a lifetime for growth, expanding our horizons, and watching God conform us into the wholehearted human being He designed us to be. I don’t want to live out of a shattered portion of a heart, or a hidden, protected heart. I want to live healed and whole as HE intends for us all to live.

I’ve been thinking a lot about our concept of God. In Genesis, the scriptures tell us that God created male and female. The trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) creates together. They said, “Let US make man in OUR image and after OUR likeness.” (Genesis 1:26) If we don’t have a correct concept of God, we will not know who we were created to resemble. Becoming God like is not something we strive to be, but something that grows out of us as we go through life and discover the real us. The person we are In Christ.

At salvation God made us Holy, Righteous, Forgiven, Redeemed, Acceptable, Accepted, Secure, Loved etc. These things were all given to us as a gift! Seems “gifts” is God’s “Love Language” too! When our eyes are opened to what God is truly like, and what He has done for us, it changes everything. Our eyes will be opened to a whole new world. I love the statement,” We are not human beings on a spiritual journey. We are spiritual beings on a human journey.” Sadly, many do not understand this truth.

I believe the reason this is missed is important to know. When the Father, Son and Holy Spirit made us in their image, we returned the favor. We created them in our image. We assigned an identity and character to them that is flawed with mere human intelligence.

Most of us get our concept of God from our parents or other authority figures in our lives. Were those people engaged or distant? Were they compassionate or cold? Were they condescending or loving? We will tend to see God in the same way. One of the best prayers you can pray is, “Heavenly Father, open my eyes to what you are really like and who you have created me to be.”

I can share hundreds of bible verses that tell you who HE is and who WE are, but this needs to be given to you as revelation from your Heavenly Father. He can and often uses scriptures to speak, or He may speak to you in other ways. (However, His way will never contradict His word.) So, ask Him. He has a way of uniquely speaking to us that will create no doubt it was Him. It’s so interesting to hear the different stories of how God revealed Himself to others in a custom-made way. He’s real and alive and engaged!

Once a gentleman asked a neighbor if he would like to have a relationship with God. The neighbor kindly declined saying, “No, thank you.” This was so surprising to the gentleman until he asked the neighbor to tell him who he thought God was. When he described his version of God, the kind gentleman said, “I would not want to know that God either!” I believe this is the reason so many people are lost and unfulfilled in their lives. They do not have a relationship with the true and living God. So, this Thanksgiving take some time to think about your concept of God. Ask Him to show you the truth and ask Him what you are believing that may not be true. Ask Him to convince you of His goodness. Your eyes may be opened to a whole new world.