Have you ever thought about that question? If God already knows everything, and He’s going to do what He wants to do, why pray? Occasionally, I will put a prayer request on Facebook, and I will get numerous responses. Am I believing it really make a difference if two pray or forty-two pray? Or am I saying, “My heart is hurting because someone I love is hurting. Will you join me in lifting these needs up to the only one who can do anything about it?” God loves our acknowledgement that He is the great physician, counselor, provider and comforter.
Every religion in the world uses prayer. The difference is in who we are praying to. We believe that Jesus is the Truth, the Way and the Life. (John 14:6) In God’s Word, you will see numerous times when Jesus prayed. (Matthew 14:23) As a matter of fact, it was a priority for Him. (Luke 22:32) He also taught His disciples to pray. (Matthew 6:9) He LOVED spending time with His Father. Jesus even prayed, “Father, I can do nothing apart from you.” (John 5:30).
Do we understand our need for a Savior, Father, Provider, Enabler, Comforter, Miracle Maker, or Best Friend? It seems the number one problem I see in the world we live in today is self-sufficiency. Guys, it’s great to believe in ourselves, but there is a God, and we are not Him. We are the sheep of His pasture whom He passionately loves, and we are lacking in some things. No matter how smart or capable we are, we need Him. Just like I love giving my grandchildren gifts, He loves meeting our needs and providing for us. But it takes humility to say, “Hey Lord, I need help.” We are recognizing His authority and position. We are saying, “Hail to the King!” This is why we worship. He’s Lord of Lords and King of Kings and deserving of our praise. Do we truly recognize who He is?
Prayer can use words, or prayer can be sitting in His presence listening. To me, prayer is about communion. I’m sure you have heard it said numerous times that Christianity is about relationship instead of religion. Religion is about us working our way up to God. But relationship is about a loving and good God sending His son down to us. He came to provide a way for mankind to be reconciled to a Holy God. You were loved, wanted and placed in the family of God through His crucifixion and resurrection. God is always offering every human being this wonderful free gift of salvation. However, we won’t benefit from salvation, if we don’t understand that we need it and receive it. (Lord, I am a sinner who cannot make myself acceptable to a holy and righteous God. Your standard is perfection. Thank you for dying in my place, paying the sin debt for my sin, giving me your righteousness and coming to live inside of me and promising to never leave me.) All relationships have a beginning and then need to grow. Don’t you love and appreciate your loved ones so much more than you did when you first met them? Love grows!
Would you agree that relationships are not very fulfilling if there is no communication? Also, relationships are only enjoyed when we know we are loved and accepted. Sadly, many people do not understand that truth. They see God as the harsh judge in the sky who is just waiting on them to mess up. We often see God like our earthly parents or an earthly authority figure that was in our lives. God is not like our earthly father. God is love. God is good. God is worthy of our time and affection. God is worthy of our time in prayer.
Join me in part two for more on the subject of prayer.
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