March 2020

The Fearful World


I had no idea when I wrote my last post about the fearful American Christian that the world would practically fall apart

The Fearful World2021-01-21T12:29:53-05:00

February 2020

The Fearful American Christian


I am in no way putting down fellow believers, but addressing something I struggle with and wonder how many others might struggle

The Fearful American Christian2021-01-21T12:29:59-05:00

Love is…


Yesterday was Valentine’s Day, a day for all to celebrate the wonderful characteristic of love.  I started to say, the emotion of

Love is…2021-01-21T12:30:16-05:00

January 2020



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November 2019

God loves me


I’ve heard my entire life that when you don’t feel close to God it is because you are the one that moved. But think about it. How can you move away from someone that is inside of you? If you have closed your ears to His voice could it be because you feel shame over something? Don’t forget that the scriptures tell us, ‘There is therefore NOW no condemnation to those who are In Christ Jesus.” Admit any sin in your life and receive His forgiveness and move forward.

God loves me2021-01-21T12:30:32-05:00

September 2019

My pleasure


The words “My pleasure” have become famous with the well known Chick-fil-A usage of the word over and over in their business.

My pleasure2021-01-21T12:30:48-05:00

August 2019

Trust: The antidote to doubt


God has been speaking to me so much since writing my last blog. That was one of the most honest and transparent

Trust: The antidote to doubt2019-08-27T12:57:37-04:00

Confessions of a doubter


When you hear the word doubt what comes to your mind? If you have been around the Bible for any length of

Confessions of a doubter2021-01-21T12:30:55-05:00

July 2019

After Salvation


None of these things are FOR your salvation but will help you grow in your faith, which results in great fulfillment and influence. YOU CAN GROW! II Peter 3:18

After Salvation2021-01-21T12:31:11-05:00

What happened to me at salvation?


I BELONG AND I AM FORGIVEN! Colossians 1:13-14 - For He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and bought us

What happened to me at salvation?2021-01-21T12:31:19-05:00
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