Love your Soul

July 2023

“Young Lady, who do you think you are?”


“Young lady, who do you think you are?” Those words became imprinted on my brain with a permanent marker. I rarely felt

“Young Lady, who do you think you are?”2023-07-21T08:55:57-04:00

July 2017



Webster’s dictionary defines the word connect as a way to establish communication between; to join, link, or fasten together; unite or bind.


September 2015

Our mind is a gift!


Proverbs 23:7 says, “For as he thinks within himself, so he is.  If you have followed my blogs for very long; you

Our mind is a gift!2021-01-21T12:35:44-05:00

June 2015

Are you sure?


  Did you know that you can be completely convinced of something but be wrong?  You have built your case in your

Are you sure?2021-01-21T12:36:05-05:00
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