As I talk with people through out the week, I often hear stories of complete exhaustion. As we all try to “make life work” we soon find that our efforts are unfruitful. Why would God allow us to put so much effort into trying to do the right thing and then discover disappointment? Is He some type of insensitive God that enjoys watching us struggle and crash? I believe we can discover the answer to these questions by going back to the very beginning of time. Don’t forget that there were TWO trees in the Garden of Eden that God mentioned. The Tree of Life and the forbidden Tree of the Knowledge of Good AND Evil. Did you know that these two trees represent so much more than just the fall of man? The Tree of Life represents Jesus, living by the Spirit, Grace and Freedom. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good AND Evil represent self effort, flesh, bondage, weariness. Did you know that we still have a choice today? Which tree are you eating from?
Father God never created human beings with the capacity to handle the type of pain and stress that is in your life today. This is why He died for you and came to indwell you. He did not save you so that you merely have a free ticket to heaven. He WANTS intimacy with you. He has become one spirit with you. (I Cor. 6:17) He wants to live HIS life through you.
Did you know that we will not let him handle our problems and our life through us until we get tired of trying it our way? It is a gift from God when our efforts do not work. He is wooing us daily to the Tree of Life. He is saying, “Don’t eat off of the wrong tree.” Self effort can look good OR bad. It’s hard to see anything wrong with the ways we control when it LOOKS good. But all control is flesh. The bible tells us in Romans that we no longer live by the law, we live by grace. (Romans 7:4) Even doing the “right things” out of self effort will remain unfruitful. (Romans 7:10 – what should bring life to me, brought death) DEPENDENCE on God is the only thing that will bring you complete peace. Is God just insensitive and egotistical? No! He KNOWS us! HE loves us and desires complete unhindered intimacy with us so that WE CAN be fulfilled and live in peace. So do yourself a favor. Give up on yourself today. Give God the reigns of your life. Take that apple from the Tree of Life today. It ALWAYS brings LIFE and REST for your soul.
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