No one likes to be misunderstood or falsely accused, however, it is a part of the human experience. No one is exempt from the rejection that can come from stating your opinion about something that you feel is important enough to share. If you are a passionate person, you may find that you experience this rejection more than others. If you grew up with your voice being silenced, you may find yourself in the passionate category. When you get your voice back from deep inner healing, you will value your words more than ever. You may feel you betray yourself if you don’t speak up. No one has to agree with you but I believe I dishonor my heart if I remain silent when my passion springs forth.
Do I speak up about everything that pushes my buttons? Hardly. I take my thoughts and feelings to my creator and choose my battles. Not everything is worth the agony one may experience when sharing.
Here is the truth of the matter about the day and time we live. Our country is in danger of losing much of the freedom many have fought for and even died for. It’s disheartening and shocking to see where our country has ended up in 2020. Yet the only thing I can do with my feelings is share and vote. The sad thing about it is relationships will possibly change and friendships lost. This should not be the case but emotions are running high on both sides of the many arguments that are taking place. It can only get worse with the election around the corner.
As a believer I am reminded that being misunderstood, falsely accused or rejected goes along with my family reputation. Not my earthly family but my spiritual family. The “family of God” has been rejected and even persecuted for centuries. Many brave men and women fought for religious freedom at the detriment of also losing their lives. And even in our “family” we will see opposing views of politics, health crisis answers and freedom of speech. Therefore we have to honor our hearts while honoring the hearts of others. We can agree to disagree without severing a relationship. We can understand and know that we have an enemy but we are not one another’s enemy.
We also need to remain teachable. None of us have the corner market on truth. This morning there was a truck that was trying to turn around on our street. As I observed from a few feet away, I wanted to motion for him to keep backing up. I’m glad I did not because as I got closer I saw that if he had backed up any more he would have ended up in a deep ditch. I could not see the ditch from my position. I feel that is a great illustration that so many times we cannot see certain things from our position or location. And others cannot see what we can see from their position or location. The key is that we stay respectful in our discussions and disagreements.
I am also reminded this morning that even Jesus made himself of no reputation. My thoughts go to Phillippians 2:6-11, “Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage. Rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross. Therefore God exalted him to the highest places and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”
So I don’t want to fall into the flesh trap of proving I’m “right” or demanding I be “heard” but I do want to honor my heart and speak when I feel I should speak up. Could the “crucified life” that we have been called to mean that we must lay down what other’s think and speak up? Or could the “crucified life” for you mean to hold your opinions at certain times and trust God to take care of it? As I often state, there is not a formula for living the Christ life. It’s a moment by moment relying on what He says to you about any given situation. Yes, He is real and yes He speaks. And I’m so glad he does! My hope is in HIM and my mission is to follow HIM in my walk and with my voice. Heavenly Father we keep our eyes on you and trust that you are working in our nation behind the scenes. We pray for all of our leaders to hear your voice and to follow your direction. We ask for healing, unity and peace in the United States of America.
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