
August 2013

God uses our imaginations


Have you ever thought about the fact that God is omnipresent and ubiquitous?  This means He is not limited by time.  He

God uses our imaginations2021-01-21T12:40:21-05:00

July 2013

Can anger be good?


We use the word anger a LOT in our ministry.  So many people that come to our ministry are dealing with some sort

Can anger be good?2021-01-21T12:40:34-05:00

April 2013

Fight your battles at HIS feet


An excerpt from  “Can God Really Speak Through a Pelican?”  Chapter 8 “Pelican Brief”   ( Available on Amazon as an e-book by Rebekah) More words

Fight your battles at HIS feet2021-01-21T12:41:39-05:00

March 2012

How can I NOT judge a child abuser?


God often speaks to me through music.  Last Sunday as I was  worshiping God at my church, it was as if the

How can I NOT judge a child abuser?2021-01-21T12:48:52-05:00
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