May 2015

When peace like a river attendeth my soul!


This hymn dates back many years and is song by scores of people through out the world.  The story behind the song,

When peace like a river attendeth my soul!2021-01-21T12:36:13-05:00

Fickle tastebuds


One of the things that I am learning is that my taste buds are fickle.  When I was newly married to Tim,

Fickle tastebuds2021-01-21T12:36:20-05:00

April 2015

Your Father is the King!


When is the last time that you witnessed something happening in your life that could only be explained because of the intervention

Your Father is the King!2021-01-21T12:36:28-05:00

It’s Sunday, but Monday’s coming!


What a wonderful Easter!  Celebrating the resurrection of our Lord and Savior never get’s old.  I am so glad that He loved

It’s Sunday, but Monday’s coming!2021-01-21T12:36:36-05:00

February 2015

And the Oscar goes to…


I am so completely inspired to write this blog on this rainy Sunday afternoon.  It is also Oscar Sunday!  Yes, I am

And the Oscar goes to…2021-01-21T12:36:44-05:00

We take care of what we love…or do we?


This title seemed so right to me earlier in the month.   If we love ourselves, we will take care of ourselves.

We take care of what we love…or do we?2021-01-21T12:36:53-05:00

What’s Chasing You?


Do you ever think some people over do it when it comes to giving the devil credit for some of their struggles? 

What’s Chasing You?2021-01-21T12:37:02-05:00

Have a love affair with your body


What?!?!?!?!?!  I just needed a title to get your attention.  Actually, I am coming to a new understanding of the importance of

Have a love affair with your body2021-01-21T12:37:17-05:00

December 2014

Did someone label you?


No one was more surprised than me when I first saw our 150 Christmas card order!  Do you notice anything wrong with

Did someone label you?2021-01-21T12:37:38-05:00

November 2014

When I don’t want to live


I believe there are very few people in this world that have never heard that nagging thought, “I do not want to

When I don’t want to live2021-01-21T12:37:45-05:00
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